Griffin Presents at Acquire or Be Acquired

READING, PA, February 4, 2013 – Richard L. Quad, Senior Managing Director and Co-Head of Griffin’s Financial Institutions Group, were presenters at Bank Director’s Acquire or Be Acquired conference held January 27-29, 2013, in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Mr. Quad presented “Maximizing Your Path: Acquire – How to Become (And Stay) A Good Acquirer – or Be Acquired – How to Become a Good Target,” which explored and highlighted ways to maximize the strategic path a bank can take as either a buyer or a seller. Acquire Or Be Acquired is widely recognized as one of the banking industry’s premier M&A and growth events. Developed specifically for bank and thrift directors and senior executives, this year the conference drew an audience of over 800 representing financial institutions of all sizes from across the country looking to explore options for growth.

Mr. Quad provides investment banking services to financial institution clients, including sell-side, buy-side, capital markets and related strategic services. He has 19 years of experience in both investment banking and commercial banking in the Northeast.
